Biblical Training Center

Biblically-based training designed to strengthen your faith and build God's church by equipping you for service.

June 2 - September 1, during both hours

Living in community as followers of Christ is God’s design. How each of us lives in community reveals our view of God to the world. We are called to love one another as the body of Christ, and this phrase "one another" appears over 50 times throughout the Bible. It's not just about being friendly or getting along - we are called to a higher standard of love that reflects the love of Christ. By loving one another as God has loved us, we enjoy the unity established by the Spirit which enables others to become more like Christ.
 Join us each week as we hear testimonies of God’s work in the Body, discover what God’s Word has to say concerning the “one another’s” and discuss what living out love looks like in everyday life.

July 28, 2024 - Love One Another (part 1)
Jacob Borstad

August 4, 2024 – Love One Another (part 2)
Caleb Pearson

August 11, 2024 - Accept One Another
Ben Sanford

August 18, 2024 – Instruct One Another
Micah Doerksen

August 25, 2024

September 1, 2024 - Living Out Love: A Look at Ephesians 4-5
Greg Perkins

Starting September 8, 2024

At 9:00 AM

God’s Highway Project, Isaiah 40-66 (for women only)
Christy Voelkel
Conference Room A
On the eve of her Babylonian exile, God gives Israel words of consolation to bring her mentally and spiritually through the trials ahead. Join our discussion of Isaiah 40-66 as we look at God's model in preparing a way for the return and restoration of His oppressed, abused, exiled people and apply it to our own experience.

New Man in Christ
Scott McManigle
Room 2-1
Christians all over the world are plagued by an “identity crisis” that has led to much confusion on “how” to live the Christian life. Most Christians think they must “do” in order to “be” but, God’s word teaches the exact opposite. That we “do” because of who we “are” in Christ.  The purpose of this class is to help take us to deeper levels of faith and confidence in the fact that, who we are as a child of God, has been determined by the blood of Christ and power of God and not by anything that we “do.”

How to Live an Abundant Life Despite Your Circumstances: An Exegetical Study of the Gospel of John
Bo Spires, Brad DenHartog
Room 2-2
“… He has no stately form of majesty that we would look at Him, nor an appearance that we would take pleasure in Him. He was despised and abandoned by men, a man of great pain and familiar with sickness; and like one from whom people hide their faces, He was despised, and we had no regard for Him … yet we ourselves assumed that He had been afflicted, struck down by God, and humiliated. But He was pierced for our offenses, He was crushed for our wrongdoings … He was oppressed and afflicted … and His grave was assigned with wicked men …the Lord desired to crush Him, causing Him grief …” – Isaiah 53:1-12

Have you ever felt like the above description describes a bit, or maybe all, of your life? Have you ever experienced abandonment, loneliness, humiliation, and soul crushing grief? How did you respond?  Well, the Person described above, despite His dire circumstances, lived an abundant life. So much so that He claimed, “… I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” – John 10:10b. Jesus Christ, despite His circumstances, lived an abundant life and He desires the same for you! Join us as we explore the Gospel of John and discover how you can live life and live it abundantly!

At 10:45 AM

Who’s in Charge Here, Anyway? (Amos)
Tim Oakleaf
Room 2-1
Amos has a lot to say about who is really in charge of world events, and how it will all work out in the end.  Here are some questions for our consideration: What impact does moral relativity have on a nation and its culture/society? What happens to “the remnant”? Are “the silent” held accountable? Ever hear of “spiritual leprosy”? What are the limits to God’s patience? Would you like to get a peek into the future?  We will have some fun learning about Amos and his prophesy, while at the same time taking away some things about Israel’s status and God’s character.
My prayer is that we will see God’s Word, as delivered by Amos, turned into Living Water. If that happens, it will impact our walk with God, our church, our community, …and who knows what else!

Discipleship Foundations: Aiming for Maturity
Tim Sanford, Drew Sanford
Room 2-2
What does it take in order to grow in Christ? In this class, we will look at the foundations that contribute the most to that maturing process. We will grow in our confidence that God can use each of us in the life of another person as we help them grow, even as we are growing too. We don’t have to be perfect but rather simply maturing in the Lord ourselves to be used by God in the life of another. Come join us as we discover what contributes to a healthy, mature disciple of Christ.

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