Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
From the mouth of Jesus, we believe he tasked the Church with sharing His good news of salvation with the world. Fellowship Bible Church has been uniquely gifted with the ability to carry out our missions program instead of supporting other agencies to do it for us. We maintain one-on-one contact with our partner churches around the world by flying hundreds of thousands of miles each year to provide support, teaching, and equipping international church leaders to raise up their local congregations. The Lord has graciously given us the staff and resources to do missions this way, and as a result, we can offer our congregation the unique opportunity of experiencing global missions first-hand.

Where are we working?
Four Continents
Currently, Fellowship is partnering with churches and their key leaders on 4 continents, impacting over 1,000 churches through teaching, discipleship, and leadership development. Our current mission field includes Mexico, Ecuador, South Africa, Benin, Togo, Nigeria, Malawi, Kenya, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Bhutan, Nepal, and other Asian countries, as well as several missions here in the United States.
The Focus
The focus of our missions program is on people – real people with real needs. God gives us the privilege to come alongside these real people and partner with them for the sake of the gospel. We partner with Christian leaders and missionaries around the world to strengthen already existing churches by teaching, training, and equipping them with the needed resources. Our desire is to see Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-led, biblically-based churches take root around the world and help them move toward becoming all that God has called them to be.
Family Camp
Are you looking for opportunities to partner with Global Missions? Family Camp offers a unique way to serve with your family, right in our own country! FBC is joining First Nations Baptist Fellowship for their annual camp next summer. 2025 marks our third year helping to facilitate this highly anticipated event.
If you are a part of Fellowship,
you are a part of Global Missions.
20% of all general giving is committed to global missions.
In order for our global missions department to teach, disciple, train, and equip international pastors and church leaders to bring their churches unto maturity, it takes a serious commitment of both time and finances. Our global missions program receives 20% of all general giving that is given here at Fellowship, for the carrying out of our global missions strategy. So, any time you tithe or give an offering, you are contributing to global missions. Sometimes there are specific ministry or project needs that various churches have and that we will make known to the body.
The HOW of Missions
Wondering about how our Global Missions program operates? Hint: It might be a little different than you're used to hearing. Watch this video to find out.
Global Missions Publications
Growing in the Knowledge of God - Knowing God teaching series
Lessons to download or print
A selection of topical studies, study helps, and other studies for growing believers. Files can be downloaded and printed.
Click on the links to view a listing of studies in that language. Files can be downloaded and printed.