
The family ministry of Fellowship desires to come alongside every family, no matter their situation, and equip them to build God-honoring homes one-step at a time.

We're here to help!

One of the biggest ways we partner with families is through Fellowship at Home. Fellowship at Home exists to help people take simple intentional steps toward creating a God-honoring home and have Christ-centered relationships. We provide free, relevant resources to make it EASY for you and MORE LIKELY that you'll be intentional in your homes. Stop by the Home Center in our main lobby or visit


Every marriage is intended to be a masterpiece reflecting the marriage between God and His people. So we challenge believers to pursue a God-honoring marriage by giving themselves to a husband or wife through mutual submission and faithful devotion.
(Gen 1:27, 15; Jeremiah 3; Eph 5:22-33; Rev 21:9)


Those blessed with the gift of children and grandchildren are called to disciple the next generation as one of life’s greatest priorities. So we challenge believers to become intentional about capturing and creating experiences that deepen the roots of faith.
(Exodus 20; Deut 6; Psalm 78:1-8; Eph 6:1-4)


A strong Christian family is where The Word becomes Flesh and Blood as we conform our lives to the image and example of the Lord Jesus Christ. So we challenge believers to walk dependently on Christ, living their faith at home in ways that will attract the next generation and the next-door-neighbor to Christ.
(John 1:14; Phil 2; I Tim 3; I John 3:16)
Congratulations! We thank God that He has brought you together and given you the desire to enter into the holy, lifelong covenant of marriage. If you'd like Fellowship to be a part of your journey follow the link below!

Biblical Pillars of a Family Foundation

God has laid out principles upon which any family in any culture can build successfully. Such biblical pillars establish a clear direction for leaders of families and churches to train men and women for the next generation. Follow the link to explore ten foundational basics for building a strong family.