Isaiah 59:1-21 Confession and Closure
by Christy Voelkel on March 23rd, 2025
Israel has made a show of contrition the way an alcoholic would, begging and pleading for forgiveness and grace, while still in bondage to the inner cravings of the flesh. Today will be a candid discussion of her need for rehab of a spiritual nature.  Read More
Isaiah 58:1-14 The Practice of Letting Go
by Christy Voelkel on March 16th, 2025
Fasting can be an outward appearance of a contrite heart that is actually driven by wrong thinking and motives. Israel misses the mark, and the LORD takes her to task for it.  Read More
Isaiah 56:1-12— Making Peace (pt 1)
by Christy Voelkel on March 9th, 2025
What makes for peace in a kingdom? Who enters the kingdom and on what grounds? Chapters 56 delve into a comparison of law-abiding citizens and lawless one.  Read More
Isaiah 57:1-21— Making Peace (pt 2)
by Christy Voelkel on March 9th, 2025
Isaiah 56 sets up a comparison between the law-abiding and the lawless. Isaiah 57 carries on in the same thread with a comparison between the righteous who find peace and the wicked idolators who don’t. How does this picture create a model for the End Times?  Read More
Isaiah 54:11-55:13 — Pursuing Abundant Life
by Christy Voelkel on March 2nd, 2025
How do you define abundant life? In this phase of God’s Highway Project, God begins to straighten out the crooked places by challenging His people to consider His vision of ideal life and how to achieve it.   Read More
Isaiah 54:1-10 — The Stumbling Block of Shame
by Christy Voelkel on February 23rd, 2025
When a victim has suffered shame and humiliation at the hands of an oppressor, facing conviction for her own sin and fruitless past can be an overwhelming obstacle to experiencing God's grace and blessing. Shame is the stumbling block God addresses today in Isaiah 54.  Read More
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 The Comfort of the Sacrifice
by Christy Voelkel on February 16th, 2025
In Isaiah 53, the sin-bearing Servant steps up to do His part of God's Highway Project. How do we take comfort in His sacrifice? How do we share in it?  Read More
Isaiah 52:1-12 The Comfort of the Good News
by Christy Voelkel on February 9th, 2025
We have become so skeptical in life. We get bombarded daily by ad campaigns, advice columnists, and health gurus telling us that they have the “miracle” solution to our ills and problems, and for the most part we tune them out. They sound too good to be true, anyway. So, we turn the channel, ignore the flashing ads on websites, and throw the mailers in the trash. But what if, in the middle of all ...  Read More
Isaiah 51:9-23 Facing Fury
by Christy Voelkel on February 2nd, 2025
Have you ever faced a furious person who is raging with an almost poisonous anger or indignation? It's pretty scary. Scary enough to make you want to do anything to appease them. What happens when the furious person is God?  Read More
Isaiah 51:1-11 The Pursuit of Righteousness
by Christy Voelkel on January 26th, 2025
Even strong believers can still grapple with despair. Knowing this from His own experience, the Servant delivers His strategy to strengthen the righteous who are struggling to stand against an angry world and maintain perspective.  Read More
Isaiah 50:1-11 The Comfort of One Who Has Been There
by Christy Voelkel on January 19th, 2025
God can move heaven and earth, but He can't seem to reach the heart of His despairing people to comfort them. Who will intercede? Perhaps she will listen to the wisdom of one who has struggled as she has.  Read More
Isaiah 49:14-26 The Stumbling Block of Despair
by Christy Voelkel on January 12th, 2025
Despair is a stumbling block that serves the purpose of bringing a person to the end of a reliance on themself and prompting a return to God. Hope comforts despair, but what happens when a person refuses God's comfort and chooses instead the comfort of self-pity?   Read More



