The most unreached people group in the world are the one's next door. Missions doesn't begin across an ocean or on the other side of the world; according to Acts 1:8, it starts across the street. The primary mission field for most of us is not far away; it's in the routine of our daily lives, in the places where we live, work, and play. God doesn't save us to be passive spectators. He saves us and then sends us out into the world to live lives that look remarkably like Jesus while looking for opportunities to speak of His grace. Each of us is called to play a part in God's mission of reconciliation — to the people we meet every day. As a church family beginning in January, we will kick off a churchwide Focus entitled Building Bridges, "Intentional Outreach Where We Live, Work and Play."
We look forward to how God will use this upcoming Focus to work in our lives to give us a love for and desire to reach lost people in our world.