Building Bridges

Intentional Outreach Where We Live, Work, and Play

Bridge Building Cards

Just because our “Building Bridges” focus has now officially come to a close, it doesn’t mean we have stopped being intentional in our outreach to those around us! But now that it is over, you should have had the chance to gather each “Bridge Building” card. The final Week 14 card came out last week during Easter; if you missed picking it up, more are in the Home Center! Here’s a reminder of what to do with those cards:
  • Engage your family with some of the ideas and tips on those cards
  • Piece the puzzle together from the images on the backside of each card, take a picture of it, and submit it with a story of how the focus has impacted you over these last several weeks.
  • Send that email to [email protected]
  • There will be a drawing from names of those who submit their story to win the real painting of that puzzle picture!
The most unreached people group in the world are the one's next door. Missions doesn't begin across an ocean or on the other side of the world; according to Acts 1:8, it starts across the street. The primary mission field for most of us is not far away; it's in the routine of our daily lives, in the places where we live, work, and play. God doesn't save us to be passive spectators. He saves us and then sends us out into the world to live lives that look remarkably like Jesus while looking for opportunities to speak of His grace. Each of us is called to play a part in God's mission of reconciliation — to the people we meet every day. As a church family beginning in January, we will kick off a churchwide Focus entitled Building Bridges, "Intentional Outreach Where We Live, Work and Play."

We look forward to how God will use this upcoming Focus to work in our lives to give us a love for and desire to reach lost people in our world.

Fellowship Family Podcast on Building Bridges

Intentional Bridge Building

Mark chats with a young couple who is fairly new to town and new to FBC, Sam and Sydney Noble, as they chat about what it looks like to pursue others around us in our Winchester community for the purpose of pointing them to Christ.

Seeing Our Community as a "Local Mission Field"

Mark has a “Building Bridges” conversation about the similarities and differences of global missions versus local missions with Pastor of Global Missions, Scott McManigle, his wife, Annette, along with a future FBC “missionary”, Martha Beitzel.  <<<CLICK TO LISTEN>>>>>

How Worship Fuels our Bridge Building

Mark chats with Mike Lukens and Rose Lauck to unpack what motivates us to share the gospel with the people around us.

Bridge Building Stories

Listen to two very different testimonies, life-experiences, and stories, all while finding the commonality of a heart for others and a pursuit to listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting to share Christ with others in Mark’s conversation with Paul Carey and Makaylea Lehart.  <<<CLICK TO LISTEN>>>>>

Community Group Study for Building Bridges

“First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”  1 Tim 2:1-4

Session 1 - Mission Agents 

God is a sending God who calls His people, the church, to be missionary agents of His love and glory.  God’s mission has a Church! 

Session 2 - Your Sent Areas 

Individually and collectively as the body of Christ, we are SENT out among the people of the world. 

Session 3 - BELLS, part 1 

Would you like to be a generous, hospitable, Spirit-led, Christ like champion? Bless and Eat! 

Session 4 - BELLS, part 2

Would you like to be a generous, hospitable, Spirit-led, Christ like champion? Listen, Learn, Sent 

Neighborhood Prayer Walk or Prayer Driving

Prayer walking and prayer driving are simple activities that do not require you to approach your neighbors or co-workers or to even know their specific needs. In fact, prayer walkers and prayer drivers are those who are "on the scene without making one." Through God's inspiration, you will discern certain areas that need your concentrated prayer. You will see new potential in your friends, family members, neighbors, fellow church members, and co-workers.

Let's us know if you have questions.

We'd love to hear from you.