Easter at Fellowship

Celebrating the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Good Friday - April 18, 2025

Join us for one of our special Good Friday Services, “Following Jesus to the Cross.” Together we will journey through the Gospel of Mark in a powerful dramatic reading. During this two hour service, we will experience the life of our Mighty Messiah and Suffering Servant Jesus and read through the final hours of Jesus' life, remembering His sacrifice and love for us. This meaningful service will also include worship through singing, and children are invited to engage with the story through an art-filled booklet designed to help them follow along. We welcome you to come, reflect, and prepare your heart for Easter as we experience the depth of Christ’s passion together.

Services times are at 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM.  Nursery and Preschool available at the 3:00 PM service.  The 3 PM service will be streamed.
We also invite you to join us for one of our Easter Weekend services as we celebrate the victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Suffering Servant and Mighty Messiah! Come and experience the joy of Easter through uplifting worship, powerful preaching, and a message of hope that reminds us of the new life we have in Christ. Whether you’re a longtime member of FBC or visiting for the first time, we welcome you to rejoice with us in the miracle of the empty tomb. Bring your family and friends as we proclaim, “He is risen! He is risen, indeed!” and celebrate the life-changing power of the resurrection!

Main Auditorium
  • Saturday, April 19 at 5 PM*
    • Potluck dinner afterwards (Bring your favorite Easter dish)
  • Sunday, April 20 at 8 AM, 9:30 AM*+, and 11 AM*

Lower Auditorium
  • Sunday, April 20 at 11AM*

*Nursery and preschool available
+Service will be streamed
  • All Biblical Training Center classes, Fellowship Kids (elementary-aged), and Fellowship Student (middle and high school aged) are canceled for the weekend.

Let us know if you have any questions.

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