Easter at Fellowship

Celebrating the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Good Friday - April 18, 2025

Services at 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM.  Nursery and Preschool available at the 4:00 PM service.

The 4 PM service will be streamed.
The cross and the empty tomb are central to our relationship with Jehovah, the Ancient of Days. The Easter season is an opportunity to remember and celebrate the events that led to the establishment of the church and the tearing of the veil, granting each of us direct access to God through the blood of Christ.

Easter Services:

Come celebrate the victory over sin and death secured in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have hope and new life available to us because Jesus is alive. Join us for one of our family-friendly Easter weekend services on Saturday night or Sunday morning.

Main Auditorium
  • Saturday, April 19 at 5 PM*
    • Potluck dinner afterwards (Bring your favorite Easter dish)
  • Sunday, April 20 at 8 AM, 9:30 AM*+, and 11 AM*

Lower Auditorium
  • Sunday, April 20 at 11AM*

*Nursery and preschool available
+Service will be streamed


Easter Weekend - April 18 (Good Friday service), April 19 (Easter service), and April 20 (Easter service)
  • The services will be family-friendly, and elementary-aged kids will stay with their families during the service.  
  • There will be no classes in the elementary area on these dates.
  • Nursery and Preschool will be available on April 18 at 4 PM, April 19 at 5 PM, and April 20 at 9:30 AM & 11 AM.

Let us know if you have any questions.

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