Embrace Grace

Embrace Grace exists to help inspire and equip the church to love and encourage single and pregnant young women and their families. Women experiencing unexpected pregnancies receive practical, spiritual, and emotional support through our global support groups.

It's a Baby Shower!

Join us in the lower-level auditorium to support the brave girls of Embrace Grace by honoring them with a memorable baby shower! There are several ways you can be involved in making this shower one that shows the love the Lord has for them and their babies. We welcome you to attend the shower to support these girls in person as well. We have a baby registry if you feel called to provide items these Mamas need for their new babies or sign up to serve in many other ways.

Find out about Embrace Grace

We have been praising and thanking God for all the miracles leading us to where we are today... and we are SO excited and expectant for our future. We know that together, we can make that happen WITH LOVE. Will you DREAM with us?

I want to serve in this ministry

Through our message of love, we are helping women see that they can have their baby and their dreams too! Being pro-life is a stance, a belief system, a vote. And it’s important. But being pro-love is an action, the boots on the ground, the hands and feet of Jesus, the church. Together, we can make abortion unthinkable.

I am looking for a support group

Finding out you are unexpectedly expecting can feel overwhelming. You are not alone!

Let us know if you have any questions

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.