AT HOME - April 28, 2024

Peter’s life is a great reminder that all things are possible with God! Just think about it…Peter walked on water, he preached the good news and thousands believed at Pentecost, he healed a man at the temple. All of this was impossible for Peter, but it was possible with God!

In this week’s Bible story, we heard how God freed Peter from prison without the guards even noticing! Many believers gathered to pray and ask God to help Peter. While they were praying, the chains fell off Peter’s wrists and he walked right out of the prison gates! When Peter arrived at the house where the people had gathered, they didn’t believe it was possible, but with God all things are possible!

God invites us to use prayer as our way to thank Him, praise Him, and let him know our needs. God cares for all His people, and they can always trust that God hears their prayers. Even when it seems impossible to us, if it’s part of His will, it is always possible for God! God answered the people’s prayers for Peter. God had a plan for Peter and the church, and He rescued Peter from his enemies. Peter knew he would face death because he believed in Jesus, but he kept going so he could share the good news of the gospel.

For fun this week, use corkboard or poster board to create a Prayer Wall in your house. Invite family members to post prayer requests to the wall throughout the week. Take time as a family each day to pray for one another’s requests. Remind kids that God hears our prayers. On the best days and worst days, we can call on God anytime!