Genesis - Part 19

Oct 17, 2024    Rich Brito

The closing elements of the ṯôleḏôṯ of Noah

 culminates in the Noahic Covenant

Genesis 8:13-9:17 

Meeting Purpose

To discuss Genesis, focusing on Noah's covenant with God after the flood.

Key Takeaways

·     Noah's faith and patience in waiting for God's command to exit the ark exemplifies trusting in divine timing

·     God established a new covenant with Noah, setting ground rules for humanity post-flood

·     The rainbow serves as God's seal and reminder of His promise to never again destroy the earth by flood

·     This covenant is unconditional, universal, and everlasting, with God taking full responsibility for upholding it



Noah's Faith and Patience

·     Noah waited 56 additional days in the ark after it was dry before exiting

·     This demonstrates Noah's faith in waiting for God's explicit command

·     Parallels drawn to modern experiences of waiting on God's timing

Post-Flood Covenant and New Provisions

·     God blessed Noah and his sons, commanding them to be fruitful and multiply

·     New allowances: eating meat (but not blood), dominion over animals

·     Establishment of human government and capital punishment

·     Promise to never again destroy the earth by flood

Significance of the Rainbow

·     God set the rainbow as a sign of His covenant

·     Primarily a reminder to God, secondarily to humans

·     Represents God's unconditional promise to all living creatures

Comparisons to Original Creation

·     Similarities in blessings and provisions (reproduction, dominion)

·     Differences in food allowances and specific moral guidelines


Next Steps

·     Explore the concept of the covenant lasting until Christ's return

·     Further study on the significance of blood in biblical covenants

·     Reflect on personal "apocalyptic" experiences and how they've shaped faith

·     Consider how to apply the principles of waiting on God and trusting His promises in daily life