Genesis - Part 5
Genesis Genesis 2:18-25 - ‘Making’ What is Not Good, Good!
Meeting Purpose
Bible study discussion on Genesis 2 - God's creation of Eve as a helper for Adam
Key Takeaways
· God designed men and women with different roles to complement each other in marriage
· Husbands should take the leadership role, but also recognize and allow their wives to use their gifts
· Wives are meant to be a helper and asset to their husbands, supporting the marriage union
· Singleness is also honored, with opportunities to be helped and to help others grow in Christ
God's Creation of Eve
· God put Adam in a deep sleep, showing Adam's need to depend on God
· God fashioned Eve from Adam's rib to be a helper comparable/suitable for him
· Adam rejoiced at finally having a companion corresponding to him
Leaving and Cleaving in Marriage
· A man leaves his parents and is joined to his wife, shifting primary loyalty
· They become "one flesh" - united in sharing all of life together
· Establishing independence from parents and solidifying commitment is wise
Roles of Husbands and Wives
· Husbands take the leadership role as given the command, but not domineering.
· Wives are helpers/assets using their gifts to support and complement husbands
· Differences between spouses are by design to help shape each other
Next Steps
· For husbands: Receive your wife as God's gift, let her use her gifts, take the leadership role
· For wives: Support and be an asset to your husband in the marriage union
· For singles: Consider ways the church body can be helpers fit for your needs
· Compare the "helper" of Genesis 2 to the Holy Spirit as helper described by Jesus
Application Exercises
Describe how a wife should be an asset to a marriage?
If you are a believer and are married, in what ways do you consider your spouse as an asset?
If you are a believer and not married, describe some ‘helpers fit’ for your needs. In what ways can they be assets to your growth in Christ?
(see also -1 Cor.7:1-16 for the Apostle Paul’s perspective on Marriage)
Compare man’s “helper” here in Genesis with the believer’s “helper” in the Church age – Deut. 33:7; Ps. 33:20; 70:5; 115:9–11; 146:5; Hos. 13:9; John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7