Amos - part 7
AMOS - Chapter 4 Part 1
Amos 4:1-5
In the first 3 chapters of Amos alone,….
“Thus says the LORD” — 10 times
“Says the LORD [GOD] — 4 times
“Declares the LORD” — 5 times
From Chapter 4 to the end of the book, we read the same “The LORD says” around 30 times.
And we find it over 400 times in the entire Bible.
* You expect “Thus says the LORD” from the prophets, but does God speak today?
(HINT: The answer is “YES”!)
* How does God speak to us (to you) today?
* What do you do during times when you don’t hear from God?
Verses 1-3 — economic exploitation
Here he addressed the wealthy of Samaria, who lived extravagant lives, and oppressed the poor and needy.
Their day will come. What was their lot was representative of what was to befall all who lived in disobedience.
Verses 4-5 — religious hypocrisy
It was as if God was saying: all your rituals mean nothing because your hearts are not right. Go ahead, but it is like heaping sin upon sin.
Jesus had something to say about religious “play-acting” (another word for hypocrisy)
“You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’””
Matthew 15:7-9 ESV. (Isaiah 29:13)
For Personal Reflection
* Am I in tune with God’s Spirit to hear when He is speaking to me?
* Am I ready for God to use me when He wants to speak to someone through me?
* What am I doing that says to God, “I love you, Lord.”
* What am I doing that demonstrates my love for others?