Genesis - Part 2

May 9, 2024    Dave Compton

Genesis Ch. 1 - Creation and Ordering 

■Read Genesis 1 passages that summarize Creation as a backdrop for discussion

■Provide different viewpoints or interpretations of Creation for your consideration

■Consider “slippery slope” questions or applications that will stimulate towards sharing Creation with others and leading to further engagement towards:

–The Gospel


–Faith and Science compatibility

The “slippery slope” wrap up

IF we believe God created “everything” from “nothing” (do you?), and

IF we are made in God’s image (are you?),

Then HOW does Genesis 1 answer you and your unsaved friends’ questions regarding:

“Who am I?”

“Where did I come from?”

“What is the meaning of life?”

Creation Reflects Who God Is And Who We Can Be 

To clarify: “who we can be” does not imply we can be “God” or a “god.”

For man to be “in God’s image”:


■Rational; with intelligence and will


■Ruling over the world God has made

■Morally admirable

The key takeaway and action is for us to be - Morally admirable

Some references for you

■Answers in Genesis:


■Is Genesis History?