2 Corinthians - Part 26
2 Corinthians 12 Part III
2 Corinthians 12:11-21 - I know a man...
a. 2 Cor 12:2-4 – that man vs. this man
b. Was not of his doing
c. Connected to previous list of weaknesses (12:1)
d. Applicable for us today
e. We don’t need a trip to the 3rd heaven
Application for us:
We are all ministers of Christ!!
a. the power of God through Christ is also available to us.
b. Admit we are powerless (weak); our full reliance is on Him
c. Reject the temptation to boast about our abilities
d. boast in God who makes it all possible according to His will.
e. boast in our weaknesses instead
f. try not to fix things ourselves; give room for God to do His thing.
i. Acknowledge/accept our weaknesses
ii. Wait patiently knowing that God is working on our behalf
iii. Allow God to work in our weakness however He chooses
iv. Recognize He has a purpose – our maturity
v. “remarkable” is on the other side