Amos - part 6

Aug 3, 2023    Frank Oxsen

AMOS - The Coming Catastrophe 

 Amos 3:11-15


So far, Amos has announced judgment against the nations surrounding them, and then Judah and Israel in chapters one and two.

Now, in chapter three, the first of five messages explaining more fully why God’s judgement is coming is found.

The first three messages begin with “Hear this word” (3:1, 4:1, 5:1)

The last two begin with “Woe to you” (5:18, 6:1) es the book of Amos demonstrate God’s sovereignty and authority?

What we are seeing in Amos’ first message is God revealing a prophecy of what will happen to Israel for accepting the blessings of the Lord while in actual contravention of the first two commandments.

Amos’ prophecy was two years before the earthquake in 760 BC, or 762 BC

Asyria conquers Israel in 722 BC, 40 years later.

Does it give you pause to think God used Assyria to demonstrate His wrath to Israel?

Homework: reflect on Judge Dillon’s statement: “This moral law is the eternal and indestructible sense of justice and right written by God on the living tablets of the human heart and revealed in his Holy Word.”

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