Amos - part 12
Chapter 6 Part 2
Amos 6:4-14
Reckless imaginings are the constructs of God we create for ourselves that coincide with what we want Him to be, or not to be, or even enable us to deny His existence
What is the sin that categorizes the reason for this woe?
How would you define self-indulgence?
Abandoning oneself to desires, passions, whims, etc., without restraint
Identify the two specific sins of V. 4
Laziness and gluttony
Principles for Life From Amos 6
VV. 1-3: We should never be content with where we are spiritually – Complacency, At ease in Zion
VV. 4-6: The welfare of others has to take priority over self-indulgence
VV. 7-10: We should covet peace with God on His terms
VV. 11-14: Moral principles must rule our lives and thinking