Looking Back - Seven Crucial Practices for Effective Bible Study

May 21, 2022    Don den Hartog

No one can rightly say that they have exhausted the study of the Bible. Throughout the centuries, even with all our commentaries, Bible study guides, sermons, classes, etc., we have hardly scratched the surface! Most believers certainly agree. There is always more to learn.

Over the past 50 years, Don Den Hartog has been teaching the Bible in a variety of contexts. Small groups, one-on-one discipleship, classrooms, seminars, retreats, and sermons have all been venues for sharing God's Word with others. He's learned a thing or two about effective Bible study. Sometimes he learned approaches to biblical study that have resulted in changes of his own understanding of biblical passages. And he continues to be open to even more changes as he hones his Bible study skills.

In this seminar, Don will share seven key principles of Bible study. Looking back over the past decades of his life and ministry, these seven stand out, at least in his mind and experience. He sees them as crucial to accurate Bible study and interpretation. No doubt many of you are already practicing these principles or at least some of them. This seminar is designed to instruct and encourage those who desire to continue to sharpen their study habits and skills of God's Word.