Amos - part 18
“Final Exam — The Book of Amos”
Who was Amos?
___ A Trained Prophet
___ A Herdsman/Shepherd
___ A Famous Cookie
___ A Dresser of Figs
___ A Country Preacher
To Whom Did Amos Direct His Message?
—- Israel
___ America
—- Surrounding Nations
___ Judah
___ Anyone Who Would Listen
Which of These Verses are in Amos?
___ “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.”
___ “prepare to meet your God, O Israel!”
___ “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”
___ “I was no prophet, nor the son of a prophet.”
___ “the days are coming, declares the Lord God, when I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.”
What are Key Messages in Amos?
___ God keeps track of horrible injustice in our world
___ God is the sovereign authority and judge
___ God is always true to His word
___ God’s favor is not necessarily at work when “things are going great”
___ The God of our “reckless imaginings” is not always the God who is
___ God has a plan and purpose for Israel and for all the nations
My Personal Response to our Study of Amos
___ I am so glad it’s over (DON’T you dare check this one!)
___ Rather surprisingly, it was a great study!
___ I learned at least one thing from our study:
“Amos is, in my words, “The Country Preacher Who Came to Town.” I want us to get acquainted with him personally, because to get acquainted with Amos is to love him and to understand his prophecy better. We will find that he was born in Judah, the southern kingdom. It was most unusual for a man to have come from such a country, out–of–the–way place with a message of judgment against all of the surrounding nations. Amos had a global view of life and of God’s program for the entire world—not only for the present but also for the future. All this makes this man a most remarkable prophet.”
J. Vernon McGee