Thessalonians - Part 16
2nd Thessalonians 2:1-12
Don't worry about a thing, because every little thing’s gonna be allright
How would it be troubling, or shaking, or a faith-ending event if we were a believer and thought that the Day of the Lord had already happened? What would that mean for things like:
•The resurrection?
•Being together with Jesus?
•Being reunited with deceased loved ones?
•The ongoing sin, death, and trouble on earth?
•The judgment of believers and judgment of unbelievers?
•Rewards for obedience?
If all of these things were currently “true” in their final sense, or had happened but we’d been skipped over, what would that mean for us as believers?
See 1 Corinthians 15:19
Thinking back to Paul’s purpose, and the events he’s describing. Is it important that we be able to definitively recognize all or some of these events or things? Or describe them in advance?
- The departure, or “apostasy?”
- The arrival of the “man of sin?”
- The “false signs and wonders?”
- The deception of the wicked?
- The final judgment?
- Being gathered together with Jesus?
See also: Matthew 24:23-31. What role does our recognition of these events play in their occurrence?
What is Paul’s simple conclusion after telling us about the future?
15 So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold on to the traditions which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us.
The things that promise meaning for our lives as believers in Christ have yet to happen, so live in anticipation of them.
Extra credit:
•Is anyone bothered or curious or instilled with confidence by Paul’s declaration that God will send a deluding influence on those who perish so they will NOT accept the truth so that they WILL be judged?
•Same question for being told that we were chosen for salvation through sanctification (v. 13)? Why does Paul stop to throw a fly in our ointment and mention something that sounds like double predestination?
•Possible explanation – the Thessalonians did not grow up with an understanding of a sovereign, perfect deity acting according to a plan. Their deities were bumbling, flawed idiots.
•What’s a small, mundane example of living like we anticipate being together with Jesus someday?
•How would our life be different if we had that in mind more often?