Genesis - Part 31

Feb 27, 2025    Mark Kline

Three Visitors

Genesis 18:1-15

Meeting Purpose

Review Genesis and discuss Abraham's story, focusing on God's promise of Isaac's birth.

Key Takeaways

-             God personally engages with humanity, visiting Abraham in a Theophany (visible manifestation of God)

-             Abraham's generous hospitality reflects cultural importance and biblical values

-             Sarah's laughter at God's promise highlights human doubt, but God reaffirms His unlimited power

-             The narrative emphasizes God's relational nature and ability to do the impossible


Abraham's Journey and God's Covenant

-             Abram (later Abraham) left Ur of the Chaldeans at age 75

-             God's promise: bless those who bless Abraham, curse those who curse him

-             Covenant included numerous descendants and land inheritance

-             Abraham's faith credited as righteousness

-             Name change: Abram ("exalted father") to Abraham ("father of many nations")

The Visitors at Mamre (Genesis 18:1-8)

-             Three visitors appear to Abraham (likely God and two angels)

-             Abraham's immediate hospitality: bowed, offered water, prepared meal

-             Demonstrates Middle Eastern cultural importance of welcoming strangers

-             Abraham not rebuked for bowing, unlike other biblical instances

Promise of Isaac's Birth (Genesis 18:9-15)

-             Visitors announce Sarah will have a son within a year

-             Sarah laughs in disbelief due to her old age

-             God challenges Sarah's doubt: "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"

-             Parallels other miraculous conceptions in Scripture (e.g., Elizabeth, Mary)

Reflections on Faith and Doubt

-             Participants related to Sarah's doubt in personal experiences

-             Discussion on laughing at seemingly impossible situations

-             Importance of recognizing God's ability to do the impossible

Prayer and Spiritual Growth

-             ACT prayer method discussed: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication

-             Importance of not skipping straight to requests in prayer

-             Using Psalm 23 and the Lord's Prayer as frameworks for entering God's presence

Next Steps

-             Continue study of Genesis, focusing on Abraham's intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah next week

-             Reflect on personal instances of doubt and how to strengthen faith

-             Practice incorporating all elements of the ACT prayer method in personal prayer life