Note from the Executive Pastor

January 21, 2022

After hearing from many of you that you were having a hard time finding tests locally, we reached out to Valley Health, and they've graciously just provided us with some Covid-19 tests. We want to be good stewards and get these out to folks that could use them now.
If you would like to order free tests to have on hand at home, you can request tests to be mailed to you at

For those that would like to obtain a test now, please plan to pick them up at one of the time windows below. Please drive up to Door 1 (north entrance), and someone will bring them out for you.
Time windows:
  • Friday, January 21st from 7 PM to 8 PM
  • Saturday, January 22 from 10 AM to Noon
  • Monday, January 24 from 9 AM to 10:30 AM

We will give them out on a first-come, first-serve basis. If additional tests remain, we will indicate other time windows to pick up tests. We will update this page and post the times on the Fellowship Family page on Facebook.

If you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, please do not come to the church office or in the building seeking tests. We have set up these time windows to bring them out to individuals in their vehicles.