
Marriage is about oneness.
"For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh." - Genesis 2:24-25

Here at Fellowship Bible Church, we want to help you strengthen your marriage so that you can truly experience that oneness that God intended. We offer Biblical Training Center classes each year, as well as a number of online resources and suggested reading. We also have counselors who can help you through some of marriage’s more serious challenges.

Marriage Resources

God intends every marriage to reflect His love.

Idea Cards

Idea cards are designed to give couples one idea they can implement this week to become more intentional about date night or activities such as family night, movie night, mealtime moments, bedtime blessings, etc.

>> New Marriage Connections
>> Discovering Needs

Getting Married?

We take the marriage relationship seriously. It's our desire to see you off to a great start, which is why we require premarital counseling before saying any “I-do’s." Look through our process and policies below, then contact us to take the first step!