Pastoral Staff and Directors of Ministries

Mark Carey
Senior Pastor
Mark is from Nebraska, a farm boy who raised hogs and ended working with sheep (pastoral ministry). A graduate of the U of Nebraska and Dallas Theological Seminary, Mark has enjoyed pastoring two incredible churches: one back in rural Nebraska and for the past three decades as senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church. Mark is married to Lisa, a pursuer of God, and together they raised four children (also pursuers of God) who have given them at last count ten grandchildren. Mark’s passion is summed up in Colossians 1:28-29: to proclaim Christ so that every person can be presented complete in Christ.

John Avery
Pastor of Family and Biblical Counseling
John is married to Susan and they have five children and eleven grandchildren. He grew up in southwestern Michigan where he came to know Christ and grew in his desire to serve the Lord in ministry. John graduated from Moody Bible Institute as a Bible Theology major and from Faith Bible Seminary with a Masters in Biblical Counseling. As Pastor of Family Life and Biblical Soul Care he desires to see believers and families strengthened in their relationships with each other and intentionally growing in an authentic relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. He enjoys nothing more than spending time with his family and any time a Chicago sports team wins he’s a happy guy.

Dave Compton
Pastor of Seniors and Care
Dave and his wife, Deanna, have been members of FBC since 1995. They both grew up in Christian homes and attended Cedarville University, where they met. They have been blessed with two sons: Matthew (wife Martha and children Gabriel, Flora Jean, and Holly) and Adam (wife Monica and son Theodore). Dave came on staff at FBC full-time in 2020, and in his role as Pastor of Seniors and Care, he desires to continue to prepare and deploy dependent disciples of Jesus Christ—including those over the age of 60! Acts 2:42-47 encourages the church to “be there, care, share, and be aware”—action words that describe our mission. Dave loves a good joke, playing his trumpet in various brass groups in the area, and exercising to support his ice cream habit.

Mike Lukens
Pastor of Worship & Creative Arts
Mike and his wife Laurie have three adult children and one grandchild and have been at FBC since 1991. He spent his first 15 years at FBC as the youth pastor and now serves as the Pastor of Worship and Creative Arts and oversees the worship gatherings at FBC. Mike desires to point people to the glories of God and His grace poured out at the cross. He has a passion for seeing the church gather together to celebrate and respond to God’s greatness. He has a love for coffee, hiking, and photography. All three at the same time make for a good day!

Scott McManigle
Pastor of Global Missions
Scott is married to Annette and they have four adult children and ten amazing grandchildren!! Before Scott became the Global Missions Pastor here at Fellowship, God used he and Annette to plant and establish churches among the Northern Pwo Karen people in Thailand. Now Scott travels extensively to help teach and equip pastors and church leaders in many different countries. His desire is to see each pastor equipped to disciple their churches unto a mature faith. Scott loves his family, coffee, hunting, fishing, and talking about the finished work of Christ and what it means for us as believers.

Dennis McNutt
Pastor of FBC Shenandoah
Dennis McNutt joined the FBC Shenandoah congregation as pastor in 2021 after serving as Youth Pastor in Winchester. He is married to Ivette and is a proud father of five and grandfather of three. Dennis’ prayer for FBCS is that we would be characterized by the simple Christianity stated in 1 John 3:23 - that we would “believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as He has commanded us.”

Caleb Pearson
Student Ministry Director
Caleb has been a member of FBC for his entire life. He met his wife Hannah in Keystone, FBC’s Young Adult ministry, and they have been serving together ever since! They have been blessed with two beautiful boys: Sammy and Charlie. Caleb’s passion for ministry in response to the gospel rests in the completed work of Christ. He is fueled by the forever standing of God’s word (Isaiah 40) and the joyous privilege it is to suffer for Jesus’ name (James 1). He is a zealous teacher, knows a tremendous amount about the TV show Lost, and enjoys making people laugh! You can find Caleb working with our Youth, on our weekly podcasts, and often preaching in the pulpit.

Jim Pool
Associate Pastor of Global Missions
Jim is excited about and loves what God is doing inside the walls of Fellowship, but his primary ministry happens in the world outside our local community. As the Associate Missions Pastor Jim focuses on the 17 countries and hundreds of churches that we are currently working with, building relationships with church leaders and equipping them to lead their churches unto maturity. Jim, his wife Rachel, and their two kids Henry and Calvin are thankful to be a part of what God is doing around the world. You can always find a stash of Starbucks Vias next to his well-worn passport for emergency coffee needs while traveling.
Tim Sanford
Pastor of Discipleship
Tim and Sue joined our FBC fellowship in 2022. They have been married for 38 years, with four children and ten grandchildren. Prior to coming to FBC, they served with Ethnos360 for most of those years. Tim serves as the pastor of discipleship here at FBC and they love being a part of the FBC. They love spending time with family and friends as well as outdoor activities like biking and walking.

Scott Santmier
Pastor of Local Outreach
Scott met his wife Karen in high school. Together they have four children and seven grandchildren (number eight will be here this summer). Yearly family vacations are a cherished and required calendar event for them. Scott has the heart of an artist and loves to create in any medium. As Pastor of Local Outreach, he has a desire to see every Christ follower realize that they are missionaries to the people they work and live beside. You may have heard Scott ask; “Do you think Jesus really meant it when He said - love your neighbor”?

John Van Drunen
Executive Pastor
John met his wife Lauren in the hallways of Fellowship Bible Church between services. Today they are excited to be raising their three energy-filled young boys around the community of the church. John came to the church from over a decade of service with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, having served as their Executive Vice President and General Counsel. He is both a CPA and an attorney and excited to use these resources in overseeing the administration of the Fellowship Bible Church. His desire is to see the body of Christ grow in the encouragement of Ephesians 4. John and his family enjoy getting into the great outdoors by camping and hiking.

Brian Weir
Fellowship Kids Director
Brian was born and raised in Martinsburg, WV and graduated from WVU in 2001. After living eight years in North Carolina, Brian and his high school sweetheart, Tracy, moved to Stephens City in 2009 and soon began attending FBC. An avid sports fan, Brian loves coaching Aubrey's softball team and supporting Sophie in volleyball. When the girls aren't playing they are rooting for the Washington Nationals or the Mountaineers. Brian is taking online courses through Dallas Theological Seminary and is more than half-way to completing his Masters in Christian Education.